Monday, October 4, 2010

Dear Mr. President.....

How many times have you sat on your couch yelling at the television, or spent some time complaining to a co-worker as to what you would do differently if you were in charge of your city, county, state or country? Probably at least a hundred times. Well, today I decided to do something about it, as I always say - you shouldn't complain unless you are willing to do something to change the situation.

Today on my day off I decided to write a letter to our president. Crazy, I know. I heard a while back that he reads ten letters each day. Now, I am skeptical that this really happens, but in my perfect world this is true.

The purpose of my letter was not to complain or place blame, but to paint a picture of an average, working, middle class American family. I have heard our president say that sometimes he feels he lives in a bubble. Well, today I decided to expand his bubble and share my family's story. Not to criticize him - as I feel s
o far he is doing good things, and there is only so much one person can do when parties won't come together - but just to share some of my family's thoughts and feelings.

I often complain about the state of our economy - no explanation needed here; our health care system - how it is sucking my family's will to live; and the quality of my child's eduction - lazy teachers should be let go, tenured or not, and great ones should be honored. So today, instead of keeping it inside I decided to write it down, place it in an envelope and mailed it to The White House.

Although I am sure my letter won't be one of the fifty selected next week, at least I feel I tried. I tried to share my thoughts. I tried offer
ing some suggestions. I tried the best I could to help push/promote some positive change for us all.

If you feel the same way, below is the address. Share your feelings. Write a letter. Do something. Yes We Can!

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Me with my letter. Moment of insanity? Only time will tell.

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